The article reveals the meaning of the concept of “human-geographical heterogeneity” as diversity, variability of spatial forms of human life, primarily demo-reproductive, resettlement, economic. Emphasis is placed on the relevance of human-geographical studies of spatial heterogeneity of administrativeterritorial units, that were formed in consecvence of the decentralization policy in Ukraine. The statistical base of the study is the materials of the “Decentralization” portal. In accordance with the methodological principles of human-geographical research, a component analysis of the spatial heterogeneity of Stryi raion of Lviv oblast was carried out at the level of administrative types of territorial communities. To determine the demogeographic heterogeneity of the Stryi raion, spatial disparities were analyzed based on indicators of the total population of territorial communities and rates of its reduction, age structure of the population, population density, level of urbanization, migration movement of population. The influence of economic factors on demographic stability, in particular the reduction of industrial production, was revealed by correlation analysis applying. Based on the concentration coefficient of population (30.58 %) and pupils of secondary education institutions (31.57 %) the conclusion about the moderate heterogeneity of the Stryi raion was substantiated. The peculiarities of settlement heterogeneity are revealed on the basis of the indicators of the number of settlements, the density of settlements, the average population of settlements, the demographic weight of the centers in the total population of the community and its deviation from the average raion mean. The economic heterogeneity of Stryi raion is revealed through the available indicators of financial results of economic activity, in particular the general fund revenues of local budget, revenues of excise, single tax, and land fees. These indicators differ by 28.9, 251.5, 24.4, and 22.0 times, respectively, at the level of territorial communities. The specified types of humangeographical heterogeneity can be used to specify the strategies of socio-economic development of territorial communities, to determine the centers of priority development, to substantiate the cooperation of territorial communities for solving the problems of regional development.
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