The purpose of this article, focusing on Ukrainian oikonyms, is to demonstrate that decolonization of toponymy is a complex and non-trivial task. To be effective, it does not have formulaic solutions at the national level, but requires the development of principles, approaches and procedures that should guide local authorities during discussion and decision-making in the field of decolonization of toponymy. To achieve the aim, the authors have defined the categories of oikonyms in the context of decolonization, outlined approaches that can be applied to separate oikonyms in each of the defined categories, and proposed possible options for linguistic correction of the existing place name or choosing a new oikonym depending on the specifics of the situation. The analysis of potential cases proves that competently carried out toponymic changes represent an opportunity not only to restore historical justice, but also to remove formulaic names from the map of Ukraine, emphasizing the geographical and historical-cultural identity of each settlement. At the same time, chaotic and unsystematic elimination of related to decolonization toponyms carries a new threat for toponymic diversity in Ukraine due to the use of formulaic names having no relation to the local history and geography. The analysis of potential cases of renaming proves that the adoption of the law on the decolonization of toponymy can lead to several misunderstandings. After all, the renaming must harmonize with the historical metanarratives, in relation to which public consensus must still be reached. This is the question of the colonial/non-colonial status of present-days Ukrainian lands in other states, the question of the participation of Ukraine/Ukrainians in the World War II, the model of the Ukrainian nation, the definition of approaches to determining the belonging/ non-belonging of certain figures to national history. The search for the optimal solution should take place with the involvement of potential stakeholders, the use of an individual approach to each toponym, and involving a wide range of civil society instruments.
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