Keywords: invasive flora of railways, zoning, Kirovohrad region, ragweed, curlycup gumweed, sweet silique


Zoning is a logical conclusion of research in Earth sciences, which allows you to clearly present the
spatial heterogeneity in the distribution of a certain phenomenon. Studies of invasive flora are in between
natural geography and biology, in particular anthropogenic landscape science and floristics. Therefore,
territory zoning is based on the spread of invasive flora elements, in particular as part of the invasive flora
of railways, is a separate type of floristic zoning. The main principles of zoning in natural and geographical
studies are the principles of territorial integrity, complexity, landscape and genetics.
Observations of flora of the zones affected by railways were carried out in the areas of the stations
of Holovanivsk, Znamianka, Kropyvnytskyi, Pomichna, and Smolyne, located in different parts of the
studied region.
The analysis of patterns of geospatial distribution of invasive species of railways in Kirovohrad region
shows its certain territorial heterogeneity. Although ragweed is the most common species throughout 


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