Keywords: territorial hromada, local self-government, local development, geospatial data


The article identifies an urgent problem of ensuring advanced local development, namely, providingreliable and complete data for planning and achieving local development. The article analyzes thepeculiarities of the structure and obtaining data for planning, programming, implementation of measures,monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of local development. The problems of the system ofproviding territorial hromadas of the basic territorial level with reliable and complete data that characterizelocal development and determine the activities of local authorities to achieve the development of thelocal economy are identified. The article discusses the algorithms for selecting and analyzing satelliteimages of territorial hromadas as a source of collecting reliable data on their development, defines theirsystem and interconnectedness, and describes the tools for verifying the data obtained during satelliteimage processing. The tools and methods for obtaining statistical data as a result of expeditions and fieldresearch directly in the hromada are identified. The experience of planning and project organizations inobtaining data is used for analysis in the context of the crisis of local statistics organization, the increasingrole of digitalization in this area, and the formation of local self-government in the post-socialist periodunder the influence of the results of the reform of the administrative and territorial structure of Ukraine.The proposed approaches to providing statistical data on the development of the territory on the example of territorial hromada of Kyiv region, their spatial organization and presentation in the form of GISare proposed. The obtained data are analyzed using GIS tools. The presentation of spatially organizedstatistical data reflecting the state of development of territorial hromada in the form of a dashboard inthe environment of the developed GIS, adapted to the needs of the management decision-making systembased on a participatory approach. The insufficient level of governmental support for the formationof a modern statistical base for local development is indicated. The features and problems of resourceprovision for further accelerated socio-economic development of territorial hromadas in the region areillustrated on the example of territorial hromada.


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