Keywords: nature management, natural and economic variety, natural and economic complexes, reclamation measures, ecological status, the state of human health, illness, diseases, Chernivtsi region


The issue of nature management, ecological situation and population diseases is extremely important for the territory of Ukraine and its individual regions today. Each component of nature, its individual properties-signs are subject to significant economic influence of man, change, affect his psychophysiological state, which is reflected in the occurrence of diseases and illnesses. Therefore, the study of all these components is relevant and forms the purpose of this publication. The territory of the Chernivtsi region is characterized by various natural conditions, natural resources, types of nature management, ecological state, which integral impact on human health. The main types of nature use are agricultural, forest, recreational and tourist, settlement, which complex form the natural and economic diversity, natural and economic complexes with different ecological situation. In the spatial sense, the disease and the spread of diseases are directly dependent on the type structure of nature use. Man-made diseases (oncological) predominate in the agricultural regions of the region (Prut-Dniester inter-rivers, the foothills of the Bukovyna Carpathians), most of which occur due to the chemicalization of the environment, the destruction of forest radians, the prevalence of urban settlements with developed modern infrastructure, etc. The diametrically opposite types of nature use are recreational, tourist and settlement. First, in its essence, aimed at the restoration of human physical strength, healing and healing, the second – characterized by new features, the essence of which is embodied in the mentality of the population, the desire to live in the conditions in which the greatgrandfathers lived (urban or rural areas of their native land), that the presence of its own home creates a comfortable stay of a person in a particular region and has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of man and on her health. However, environmental pollution takes place on the territory of the region, affects the health of people, creates preconditions for the development of diseases and diseases of the population. Therefore, in this publication made a comprehensive analysis of the processes of nature management and the state of human health of Chernivtsi region is made.


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