Keywords: terrain surveying, field mapping, geo-imaging, three-dimensional terrain models, virtual tours, photo paths, educational practice


The article examines some problems of organizing and developing the content of educational practicetasks for students of the educational and professional program “Geography of recreation and tourism” inthe conditions of distance education. Features of topographical training of applicants under this programare described. Factors affecting the development of educational practice tasks in the conditions of distancelearning are analyzed. It is noted that the smartphone is the only electronic device for shooting that isavailable to students in such conditions. The capabilities of modern smartphones for performing suchwork are analyzed. In such conditions, it is suggested to focus not on the classic types of shooting, whichwere theoretically studied in the course of topography, but to expand the range of shooting methods, shooting objects, types of geoimages and multimedia products, and modern practical skills, in particular,from field work in local history and tourism. For example, it is proposed to fix coordinates not only forstatic objects, but also for moving ones. Create not only figurative geoimages, but also photographybasedvisualizations and hybrid models, not only 2D images, but also 3D. The survey is based on theachievements of satellite geodesy, geoinformatics, photographic surveying and photogrammetry. 7 tasksare offered: setting up software on a smartphone with autonomous raster and vector map layers forrouting (preparatory task), creating a terrain plan by determining lengths and directions, field mappingof static point and line objects using a GNSS receiver and mobile GIS, coordinate fixation, visualizationand analysis of movement along the route, photographic shooting on the ground with recording of thelocation (latitude, longitude, height, azimuth) in metadata and batch import of photos into GIS/webmap, creation of photo paths, panoramic photography and creation of virtual tours, creating a threedimensionalmodel of a small area of land. Software for performing such tasks is described. Suggestedalternative options for completing the task in case of hardware and software problems.


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