Keywords: geographical zoning, geochorical zoning, geochora, geochorion, Pangeochorion, landscape cover of the Earth, sphragides


The goal of research is grounding a notional and terminological apparatus of the scheme of differentiation of the Earth space in the boundaries of the three-measured landscape cover. The proposed report studies essence and evolution of the issue of geographical zoning. The review of existing experience in the field of general geographical and component zoning is made. Particularly, a gift made into this issue by B. P. Alisov, V. V. Dokuchayev, E. D. Herbertson is highlighted. It is stressed on an existing experience of the geochorical structuration of the landscape cover. A specific characteristic of existing schemes, which are declining of vertical profundity of taxonomical structures with minimization of their range is highlighted in the study. It is stressed on possibility and rationality of realizing differentiation of not only Earth surface but Earth space taking into account its vertical measure. It is proposed to nominate such differentiation as geochorical zoning. A nomenclature of taxonomical structures is worked out, schemes of geochorical differentiation of the Earth are constructed on sublandscape, as well as on superlandscape levels. A line of analogies between taxonomical structures of traditional physical and geographical zoning and geochorical zoning is brought. Basic notions of a proposed zoning are expressed by such terms as “geochora” (on a sublandscape level) and “geochorion” (on a superlandscape level). Especially, landscape in a geochorical context is named as “pangeochora”, countryside is named as “macrogeochora”, composed tract – as “mesogeochora”, simple tract – as “microgeochora”, and faсies – as “nanogeochora”. As taxonomical structures of the geochorical zoning zonal gigageochorions are related to physical and geographical belts, azonal gigageochorions – to continents, zonal megageochorions – to physical and geographical zones, azonal megageochorions – to subcontinents, zonal macrogeochorions – to physical and geographical subzones, azonal macrogeochorions – to physical and geographical countries, mesogeochorions – to physical and geographical lands, microgeochorions – to physical and geographical regions. It is marked that only the contents of such notions as “landscape cover of the Earth” and “Pangeochorion” is fully coincided in a three-measured aspect. It is accented that not only main zonal and azonal physical and geographical regions but also transferee strips named ecotons of different taxonomical range have their geochorical identities. In the geochorical aspect these strips are named sphragides analogically to strip-like territorial structures in the Antic geography. The sphragides are separated only on a superlandscape level of organization of the Earth space. It is accented that not only physical and geographical regions in whole but also natural components in their boundaries have geochorical differentiation. It is lined that geochorical structures have a geotorial character, because they include in itself fragments of natural components that are situated in three aggregate states. It is stressed that the idea of geochorical zoning and its proposed scheme don’t change a typical physical and geographical zoning, but rather interprets it.


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