In the modern world, agriculture is at the stage of developing high-quality and safe food products.One of the important alternatives to these requirements is organic agricultural products, which are grownwithout the use of synthetic chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The article emphasizes that organic farmingis a promising sector of agriculture in the world. The article examines the economic and geographicalaspects of standardization and certification of agricultural organic products.Factors such as production location, production structure, production volumes and consumerstructure of organic products are analyzed. Also important economic and geographical factors includethe integration of international markets, the growing interest in ecological and healthy products anddifferent national standards of organic farming in different countries. It is noted that standardization andcertification of agricultural organic products are essential elements of national and international markets. They allow consumers to be sure of the quality and safety of organic products, and also stimulate thedevelopment of organic production. Standardization and certification of agricultural organic productsplay an important role in the development of this sector. They contribute to ensuring the quality andsafety of organic products, and also stimulate international trade in organic products. Prospects for thedevelopment of standardization and certification of organic agricultural products are also discussed.The main areas of development of this industry should be the harmonization of national standards withinternational standards, the introduction of requirements for environmental safety and the protection ofconsumer rights, the introduction of requirements to ensure the transparency of the organic productsmarket. Integration of international markets, growing attention to environmental and health issues,as well as harmonization of approaches to standardization and certification of organic products willcontribute to the further development of this sector. The proposed directions for the development ofstandardization and certification of organic agricultural products are relevant and will contribute to thedevelopment of this sector in Ukraine and the world.
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