Keywords: transport, public transport, transport sector, digital technologies


The world economy is in the process of digital transformation. The transport sector, as a significant and important segment of the economy of any country, plays a key role in the functioning and development of all its sectors. In today's business environment, digital technologies are widely used, and it is extremely important for them to fully understand what advantages they can receive as a result of the implementation of this type of innovation. Increasing work efficiency, reducing costs, improving the quality of service, creating new opportunities, improving interaction with service recipients, greater flexibility and adaptability – all this contributes to increasing the competitiveness of enterprises in the service market. During the full-scale war in Ukraine, the transport sector faced a number of problems that complicated its functioning and slowed down development. The most negative impact is related to the proximity to the battle lines, massive airstrikes throughout the country, which caused the destruction of critical infrastructure and power outages, as well as frequent communication failures. Among the main consequences of the war, which affected the transport sector and the country's economy in general, it is worth noting the decrease in the level of GDP and the growth of inflation, the deficit of budget funds and the decrease in trade. At the same time, today it is extremely important to outline the ways of using digital technologies taking into account the specific requirements and needs of the transport sector. Active collaboration between the government, private sector, and scientific community is essential for successful digital transformation in the transport sector. The government's role is to establish a supportive environment by crafting relevant regulations, fostering investment in digital innovations, and building out infrastructure. Meanwhile, private companies need to adopt these new technologies, provide training for their employees, and update their business models to keep pace with changing conditions. Scientific institutions are also critical, as they lead in technology development, conduct vital research, and train skilled professionals. Collaborative efforts like joint research projects and innovation centers, which bring together government agencies, businesses, and academics, are key to seamlessly integrating advanced technologies into transportation. This comprehensive and coordinated approach is necessary for improving the transport industry’s efficiency, safety, and competitiveness, ultimately contributing to the nation's economic progress. 


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