Keywords: morphodynamics, coastal system, Black Sea, Ukraine, GIS, remote sensing


The article presents the results of a comprehensive study of dynamic processes on the indigenous abrasion coast within the Tendra–Dzharylgach system on the northwestern coast of the Black Sea. The study covers the period from 1965 to 2024 and includes an analysis of previous research, fieldwork (from 2018 to December 2021), and a retrospective analysis of satellite images for the periods 1965–1973, 1973–2006, 2006–2019, and 2019–2023. The main objective of the study is to determine the dynamic trends in coastal development, assess the impact of coastal protection structures, and predict future changes. It was found that the construction of coastal protection complexes led to local changes but, in turn, caused the activation of abrasion processes on unprotected areas. Field studies have shown that abrasion processes have significant spatial differences, depending on morphological and hydrodynamic conditions, as well as anthropogenic factors. The retrospective analysis of satellite images, conducted using GIS, confirmed these results and revealed spatial differences in the intensity of abrasion processes. In particular, the most intensive processes were observed in the areas of Zalizny Port and Lazurne. A comparison of remote sensing and field research data was conducted. Specifically, the results of field studies conducted by scientists in the 1950s–60s and 1980s–90s correlate with the data obtained during the retrospective analysis of satellite images. The study's conclusions emphasize the need for a comprehensive approach to managing coastal zones to minimize the negative effects of abrasion. The study also highlights the importance of considering natural conditions and dynamic processes when planning and implementing coastal protection measures. The lack of a systematic approach and excessive anthropogenic activity can lead to unpredictable consequences, such as the activation of abrasion processes in other areas of the coast.


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