The article addresses the urgent issue of planning and implementing monitoring of small rivers in the context of urbanization and military actions. The authors analyze the current state of the hydrographic network in Zhytomyr region and reveal that small rivers form the majority of surface water resources. The features of state monitoring of surface waters are examined, highlighting that small rivers flowing through urban environments and experiencing significant anthropogenic impact are not covered by the observation system. Using the Kamyanka River as an example, monitoring of hydrochemical indicators was conducted from 2019 to 2023, revealing exceedances in Chemical Oxygen Demand and total iron levels. These results are compared with data from the Teteriv River. The authors consider the impact of military actions in Zhytomyr region on the area's hydrological network and present a map of affected water bodies. The paper outlines the specifics of implementing small river monitoring in wartime conditions, including: prioritizing personnel safety, utilizing remote data collection methods, rapid response to environmental changes, integrating diverse information sources, focusing on detecting specific military pollutants, developing predictive models of pollution spread, increased attention to groundwater conditions, and establishing inter-agency and international cooperation. Prospective research directions are proposed, including the development of automated early pollution detection systems, creation of comprehensive models for aquatic ecosystem restoration, and advancement of biomonitoring methods adapted to conditions of increased anthropogenic pressure.
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