The article highlights that despite the challenges posed by war and pandemics, tourism in Ukraine continues. Research shows that a significant portion of Ukrainians continue to travel within the country. A notable trend in Ukrainian tourism is the emergence and development of military tourism in de-occupied territories. This type of tourism is becoming a relevant tool for preserving historical memory and rebuilding regions affected by armed conflict. The article analyzes the experience of the «Visit Ukraine» public association in proposing tourist routes specifically in de-occupied territories. The goal of the article is to analyze the potential for developing military tourism in the de-occupied territories of Kherson region as a result of Russian aggression (using two territorial communities as examples). The most affected settlements, with their residential buildings, infrastructure, local population with their tragic experiences, and newly formed belligerent landscapes, are considered from the perspective of development and opportunities rather than decline. The authors provide a list of potential tourist locations in the Vysokopilska and Velykoaleksandrivka communities, based on a detailed description of the damage and destruction presented by the Ukrainian Research Society in the Atlases of Conditions and Resources for pre-war development and post-war reconstruction of the studied territorial communities. It is noted that studying the potential for developing tourism in areas affected by armed conflict opens up prospects for regional revival and preserving historical memory. However, the implementation of such initiatives requires a balanced approach that takes into account ethical aspects and the needs of local communities. In particular, tourist routes should be organized in a way that does not diminish the significance of human losses and does not turn places of tragedy into entertainment venues. It is important to involve community members in the development and implementation of tourism projects. The article emphasizes that the primary condition for the development of military tourism in de-occupied territories remains the issue of security.
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