The article explores a significant multifaceted problem, the correct solution of which will have a significant positive impact on the development of recreation and tourism in Kryvyi Rih, a powerful industrial center of Ukraine, and will serve as a successful example of the regeneration of abandoned quarry landscapes. Today, the key question, not only in Kryvyi Rih, is the issue of recreation for local residents and city guests, as holidays on the seashores have become risky and almost impossible, city beaches have not been allowed to organize swimming areas for several years in a row, and suburban recreation centers have a rather limited resource and, as a rule, the price-quality ratio is not adequate. On the other hand, the city has a fairly large number of abandoned quarries that have been filled with water and have been used as spontaneous recreation sites for many years, which is also dangerous. The authors in their research propose to find a solution to this problem, gradually studying the world experience of regeneration and re-profiling of former quarries, using their own experience in organizing and conducting excursions and tours to the city, where visiting both active iron ore quarries and surprisingly aesthetically attractive quarry lakes is mandatory in the program. The article conducts a comparative analysis of the suitability of Kryvyi Rih quarries (Karachunivskyi, Kresіvskyi, and Vizyrka) for recreational and tourist activities and determines the most suitable for regeneration – Kresovsky quarry. To create a regeneration project for this object, the authors selected the Business Model Canvas and substantiated the «Business model of creative tourism «Green Wave Park» Eco-adventures in a flooded granite quarry». A successful choice of regeneration model and the implementation of sustainable practices will reduce the risks of operating such abandoned quarries, create valuable ecosystems and make a contribution to the balanced development of the community and a more sustainable environmentally friendly future.
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