The paper explores the potential use of data from digital wireless Davis weather complexes to identifytopoclimatic variations in regions characterized by the morphometric heterogeneity of surfaces. Itestablishes the viability of employing Davis digital weather stations as modern, accurate, and reliableremote tools for meteorological monitoring, specifically for discerning topoclimatic features relevantto nature management. Topoclimatic diversity within the Middle Dniester natural region is examinedusing both annual data from digital weather stations and reference weather stations from the NationalHydrometeorological Network for the period spanning June 1, 2020, to May 31, 2021. Statistical andgraphical analysis in WeatherLink software reveals distinct topoclimatic differences in the MiddleDniester River region. The upper right-bank terraces of the Dniester River Valley exhibit higher dailyair temperatures and a smoother temperature profile compared to other topoclimates. Topoclimates associated with the left-bank low terraces of the Dniester River experience significant diurnal temperatureamplitudes and reduced precipitation. Meridional tributary valleys from the north are characterized bylower night air temperatures. Digital weather station observations show the strongest correlation withnearby reference weather stations for air temperatures but exhibit notable deviations in atmosphericprecipitation. The analysis for the specified period confirms regional trends in global climate change,particularly evident in increased winter and summer air temperatures and a drying trend in the warmperiod of the year. Meteorological data from digital weather stations allow for the identification of localclimatic peculiarities linked to morphometry and daytime surface properties, crucial for planning variousnature management activities. This advantage underscores the importance of expanding the observationalnetwork into areas not covered by the National Hydrometeorological Network, encouraging furtherresearch and data collection.
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